Friday, March 19, 2010

It's Working!!! (ish)

I've just written a basic software to be flashed to the ATMega chip, which lights up the control lights in the dashboard, one by one.

After some struggling and debugging, I got it working just fine. Except for the needles, which for some reason won't budge.


  1. please tell me what stuff need to use and what to do with it!!please..

  2. hi. nice work so far. Any updates??
    could you share some info about the project? i m trying to figure out the connection between the cluster and the controller board. a diagram would a lot of help. also i want to ask if your cluster has analog gauges or its from the newer ones which are electronic. plus a guide of to map them (needles,lights) accurate would be really appreciated

  3. If you are working this again you may consider using a e46 cluster. I believe it is all can bus. So once you get the bus working it is all programing from there. I'm investigating that myself. Good job with the e36 so far.

  4. Does you/anyone know how I Can make a REALLY cheap pit speed limiter flashing LED/4-5 leds when pushing a momentary button soledered to an joypad? I heard about the Digispark and its very cheap - any ideas or advices

  5. It just need to flash when pushing the "speed limiter button" and stop flashing when deactivating by pushing it againg. Its GTR2 by te Way :)

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